People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Tribunal case opens whole new can of worms

Since representatives have been given the right to appeal to the Financial Services Tribunal against debarment decisions, many such actions have been set aside by this appeal body. In most of these cases […]

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Extension of submission of Financial Statements

On Monday we reminded subscribers of the 30 June deadline for the submission of financial statements where their financial year ended on 28 February. Subsequently, we received a number of enquiries about applying for an […]

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The FSB and Unlicensed Entities

A reader recently queried whether the FSB is entitled to request documentation from a non-licensed entity: I have a small business where we book appointments for Financial Consultants to meet with new prospects. […]

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Services Under Supervision

The introduction of the FAIS Act brought with it a new set of regulatory requirements, including those pertaining to industry incumbents being fit and proper. As these conditions were refined, it became evident […]

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Exhaustive Law Amendments Published

The Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act, Act No. 45 of 2013, was published on 16 January after extensive consultation with various role players and affected parties. The preamble to the publication states […]

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Proposed Advertisement Guidelines

We publish below extracts from a document recently published by the Regulator aimed at regulating “advertisements, brochures and similar communications”. A Draft Information Letter, providing guidance to long-term and short-term insurers on the […]

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