People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Financial Tribunal outcome

– The right to state your case is not negotiable Audi alteram partem (or audiatur et altera pars) is a Latin phrase meaning “listen to the other side”, or “let the other side […]

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Financial Tribunal outcome

– The right to state your case is not negotiable Audi alteram partem (or audiatur et altera pars) is a Latin phrase meaning “listen to the other side”, or “let the other side […]

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Needs analysis not a tick box exercise

The importance of an in-depth client financial needs analysis is once more highlighted in a FAIS Ombud investigation, ruling and settlement. A financial needs analysis should not just be a tick box exercise; […]

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Client needs and circumstances

FAIS Ombud Settlement – Always take clients’ needs and circumstances into account Furnishing financial advice means adhering to a set of legislative requirements as well as keeping to certain principles. One of the […]

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FAIS Ombud Settlements

Learn from compliance mistakes made by FSPs An FSP’s interaction with clients must at all times meet the standards set out in the General Code of Conduct. The FAIS Ombud’s Annual report highlighted […]

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Audenberg Appeal against FAIS Ombud

The FSB Appeal Board recently published its decision at a hearing held on 27 February 2018. The appeal was dismissed, but not before the Board expressed some very concerning comments on the office of the […]

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FAIS Ombud 2016/2017 Annual Report

How do the numbers contained in the Ombud’s latest report reflect on its mandate? Complaints received for the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 came to 10 846, compared to 9 891 for the previous year. • […]

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FAIS Ombud Settlement Cases

Whilst determinations by the Ombud receive wide exposure in the media, settlements are only published in her annual report. This year, there were 1005 settlements and 68 determinations. The settlement amounts in case […]

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FAIS Ombud on Short-term Insurance Trends

The 2016-2017 Annual report notes the following trends in complaints received from the public. The number of complaints that relate to short-term insurance policies far exceed those from any other product category of […]

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FAIS Ombud Actions Queried

Two issues in the recent Phoshera appeal again saw the Appeal Board ask questions about the FAIS Ombud’s decisions. “This appeal is filled with procedural anomalies. First, there is the question of condonation […]

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Fairness in Justice

In a recent decision concerning a Sharemax investment, the FSB Appeal Board said that section 20(3) of the FAIS Act requires the FAIS Ombud to consider complaints in a procedurally fair, informal, economical […]

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