SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Die een se dood…

Daar was lanklaas soveel bespreking en bespiegeling na Frans Steyn se onttrekking aan die Springbokspan. Die ouer garde brom dat hy dislojaal is teenoor die land, terwyl die jonger garde voel dis ‘n […]

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Bok team taking shape

They say that, in golf, every shot pleases someone – either the player, or his opponent. The bad news about the incumbent Bok captain probably solves a quandary for the coach while at […]

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Bestendigheid Meyer se Basis

Die afwesigheid van sleutelspelers in die Bok oefengroep moet nie gesien word as ‘n aanduiding dat Heyneke Meyer beoog om ‘n klomp nuwelinge in te sluit in die span wat teen die internasionale […]

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Two Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

For the second weekend running, South African sides threw away their chances of winning towards the end of the game. The Bulls and the Cheetahs had the beating of the opposition, only to […]

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The One That Got Away

An article in Psychology Today carried the same title. It starts off with the following words: “Though we are designed to learn from our mistakes, remembering them is rarely enjoyable. Especially when they […]

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