Coalition: government’s ‘piecemeal’ healthcare reforms fall short
The Universal Healthcare Access Coalition says the proposed tariff-setting measures for private healthcare side-step essential reforms.
The Universal Healthcare Access Coalition says the proposed tariff-setting measures for private healthcare side-step essential reforms.
But the government cannot afford to set up an independent supply-side regulator as recommended by the Health Market Inquiry.
Recent media reports over the future of NHI have been contradictory and hard to make sense of. Spotlight chased up those in a position to know where things stand – it seems the ANC has not made any major concessions on NHI. There is, however, agreement that medical schemes won’t be phased out in the next few years, something that likely wouldn’t have happened in any case given the poor state of the economy and the long timeline for NHI implementation.
The Board of Healthcare Funders questions the timing and content of the CMS’s report, claiming it ignores stakeholder input and the opposition to low-cost benefit options is politically motivated.
The Board of Health Funders has ‘serious reservations’ about giving the Department of Health the power to manage the block exemption negotiation process.
BHF-commissioned study identifies 11 assertions made about private healthcare and medical schemes that lack foundation.