People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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PAIA Manual requirements postponed

Unbeknown to most of our readers, they almost became criminals overnight. In an article titled Important changes to PAIA on Monday we reported about changes to the Promotion of Access to Information Act […]

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Potential POPIA impact on social media

A very interesting article on the Werksmans website provides some insight into what may just be the first of many unforeseen outcomes of this new legislation.   A Legalbrief Today article points out […]

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This POPI is not a flower

As can be expected, the establishment of the office of the Information Regulator is experiencing some start-up problems. With 1 July 2021 set as the date when the final sections of the Protection […]

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Get started on POPIA by registering

It was quite interesting to see a South African regulator take on an international giant like Whatsapp, setting out its terms for implementation of what appeared to be a very highhanded approach to […]

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Get started on POPIA by registering

It was quite interesting to see a South African regulator take on an international giant like Whatsapp, setting out its terms for implementation of what appeared to be a very highhanded approach to […]

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Countdown to POPIA compliance

With less than 100 days to the deadline for public and private bodies to ensure that the processing of personal information conforms to the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), the Information Regulator […]

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POPIA – How to start your compliance project

Considering the just announced POPIA “go live” date, Ilze Luttig Hattingh of Novation Consulting, advises on seven things you can do to kickstart your POPIA compliance project – even during a worldwide pandemic: […]

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