Why policyholders complained to the short-term ombudsman in 2023

‘Lack of maintenance or wear and tear’ gave rise to most of the disputes in several categories of insurance.

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Blood on the tracks

My favourite author, Ian Rankin (of Inspector John Rebus fame), named many of his books after song titles of the Rolling Stones. I copy him this week by using the title of one […]

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Stand by your men…

I was convinced that Dolly Parton originally sang this song, but Google informs me that it was Tammy Wynette. Who am I to judge such a lovely pair? Tony in Durban het my […]

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Some statistics on a number of important facets of the Super 15. I divided this in three sections, based on the title of one of my favourite Clint Eastwood movies. For purposes of […]

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