People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Does social media really make us lie more?

It’s commonly believed that communicating online, as opposed to in person, results in people telling more lies. But the results of a recent study challenge that perception. David Markowitz, Assistant Professor of Social […]

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Does social media really make us lie more?

It’s commonly believed that communicating online, as opposed to in person, results in people telling more lies. But the results of a recent study challenge that perception. David Markowitz, Assistant Professor of Social […]

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Potential POPIA impact on social media

A very interesting article on the Werksmans website provides some insight into what may just be the first of many unforeseen outcomes of this new legislation.   A Legalbrief Today article points out […]

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Pandemic fast tracked use of social media

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 74% of U.S. financial advisors who used social media for business initiated new relationships or onboarded new clients, according to the Putnam Investments Social Advisor 2020 Study.  The research […]

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Pandemic fast tracked use of social media

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 74% of U.S. financial advisors who used social media for business initiated new relationships or onboarded new clients, according to the Putnam Investments Social Advisor 2020 Study.  The research […]

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Top ways to promote your business on Facebook

One year since the country entered lockdown, digital payments have become the norm for convenient and safe transactions. Illustrating this trend, online payment gateway PayFast saw a 412% increase in payments made using […]

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