People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Top ways to promote your business on Facebook

One year since the country entered lockdown, digital payments have become the norm for convenient and safe transactions. Illustrating this trend, online payment gateway PayFast saw a 412% increase in payments made using […]

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Advisors now more dependent on social media

“Amid the coronavirus pandemic, financial advisors are flocking to social media in order to maintain contact with clients and prospects and to stay abreast of developments in their industry,” according to research released […]

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Social media – Five tips for cyber safety

A recent article published by Discovery explains that social media, apps and devices can leave any business vulnerable to crime. With cybercrime, it’s important to remember that criminals will take their time to […]

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Social Media – Not just for millennials

“Aside from the controversy it’s found itself in because of its involvement in spreading ‘fake news,’ Facebook is still possibly the most powerful social media platform on Earth”, Johnny Sandquist, owner of Three […]

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