Further education boosts confidence and expertise in financial planning
MBSE top achievers Claudia Dowsett and Lana Johnson share how their qualifications have strengthened their professional confidence and client trust.
MBSE top achievers Claudia Dowsett and Lana Johnson share how their qualifications have strengthened their professional confidence and client trust.
Dèvon Jordaan, Stéan Bouwer and Grant Greenfield, top achievers at Moonstone Business School of Excellence, share their stories on the power of preparation and perseverance.
Top achievers in the Higher Certificate in Short-Term Insurance (HCSTI) qualification exams, credit the qualification with deepening their industry knowledge and advancing their careers.
The Postgraduate Diploma attracts individuals who embody resilience, self-discipline, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The top students prove that with the right mindset, structured planning, and flexible learning, professionals can overcome any obstacle.