Why policyholders complained to the short-term ombudsman in 2023

‘Lack of maintenance or wear and tear’ gave rise to most of the disputes in several categories of insurance.

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Plain language – Not just a TCF requirement

The financial services industry is a complex industry with terminology, acronyms and legislative terms that the “man on the street” does not easily understand. People working in the industry can quickly get caught […]

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Plain language – Not just a TCF requirement

The financial services industry is a complex industry with terminology, acronyms and legislative terms that the “man on the street” does not easily understand. People working in the industry can quickly get caught […]

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And the winner is…

In the midst of the world cup soccer hype, Neymar memes and speculation on which team will be crowned as the winners of World Cup 2018, the role of soccer coaches sometimes fades […]

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Do what I say

Complaints handling is set to become a major measure of your commitment to the fair treatment of clients, or TCF as it has become known. The final proposals for implementation of changes to […]

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New ombud system proposed

The ceremony at which Jack Nicholson received his Oscar for “As good as it gets” was the same one where “Titanic” dominated all the categories. Nicolson, with that wicked smile of his, opened […]

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