Why policyholders complained to the short-term ombudsman in 2023

‘Lack of maintenance or wear and tear’ gave rise to most of the disputes in several categories of insurance.

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That’s right – Dale and Vern are back!

Steyn was the leading wicket-taker in the two-match Test series against New Zealand with 10 scalps at 10.20 and claimed his 26th five-for in Centurion to end questions over whether he could regain […]

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Alles is nie verlore nie

Alister Coetzee se besluit om nie te torring aan sy span van verlede week nie, behalwe waar beserings dit noodsaak, sal waarskynlik kritiek uitlok. In die kort tydjie wat hy in die stoel […]

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Rugby Championship Statistics

It has been a while since I last had goose bumps at the start of a rugby series. While the Rugby Championship is far from ideal, it is a great deal more exciting […]

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Kyk Vorentoe, Springbokke

Kommentators na aan die Bokke beweer dat hulle die teleurstelling van verlede Saterdag verwerk het, en nou op die groot stryd teen die aartsvyand fokus. Ek dink nie dit sal ‘n slegte ding […]

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Weird Kick-off to Championship Series

The Moonstone/Getwine Rugby Championship Challenge Thanks to the unexpected draw in Sydney on Saturday, there were only two winners. André Marais and Deon du Toit will be given the choice of sharing the […]

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Will History Repeat Itself?

Ek lees vanoggend dat die All Blacks oor Ellispark voel soos die Bokke oor Eden Park. Keven Mealamu word aangehaal as sou hy sê dat dit enige All Black se grootste uitdaging is […]

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Hot and Cold

Knit one, pearl one appeared to be the recipe for the weekend’s rugby – there was one good half and one not so good half. This goes for both the Boks and the […]

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From Four-wheel drive to Normal?

No, we are not shifting focus to motor rallying this week. Having ground down the England side in four-wheel drive, we now move into normal drive to pick up some speed as we […]

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