Why policyholders complained to the short-term ombudsman in 2023

‘Lack of maintenance or wear and tear’ gave rise to most of the disputes in several categories of insurance.

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RDR feedback from the UK

On Tuesday, David Ferguson, founder and chief executive of Nucleus Financial Group in the UK, speaking at the Sanlam i3 Summit, said RDR and all the associated legislation introduced in the UK in […]

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UK exam and bulk registrations

New UK exam date Our next UK exam is scheduled for 17 March 2016. For more information contact Marietjie at faisexam@moonstoneinfo.co.za. REs in Mauritius We received several enquiries from candidates resident in Mauritius regarding the […]

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Does the Penalty fit the “Crime”?

That which was termed “excessive” fines by the local regulatory authorities pale into insignificance when compared with what happened in the UK last week. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) imposed a financial penalty […]

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What goes up must come down

Unintended consequences often defeat the object of the exercise. It appears as if this is also happening in financial regulation, internationally. It is common knowledge that much of the regulation of financial services […]

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