Investigation into ‘fruitless and wasteful expenditure’ continues as RAF bleeds another R1.6 billion

The investigation into the Road Accident Fund has uncovered a significant rise in default judgments, accumulating to R4.7 billion from 2018 through the second quarter of 2023.

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Unclaimed assets remain a major headache

The FSCA’s “Regulation Plan: 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025”, which was released last week, highlighted certain high-priority areas that it aims to address in this period. Mark Bechard of Moonstone reports […]

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Adding sugar to the Cofi?

Business Day reported on an FSCA briefing for the select committee on finance on Tuesday on the current status of the Conduct of Financial Institutions (Cofi) Bill. “The Treasury is processing the bill. […]

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Unclaimed benefits – The problems persist

The problem with unclaimed benefits is decades old. Each year various statistical reports add up the billions and initiatives are launched to track the beneficiaries of the unclaimed funds. Will the latest drive […]

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Business from Unclaimed Benefits

An article in the latest issue of Insurance Gateway may be of great value to both advisers and their clients. It appears that there is an estimated R20bn in unclaimed benefits across 3.5 million […]

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