“Pitched online” by Bobby

The conclusion of the shameful spot fixing episode played off on Thursday last week when the guilty Pakistan trio (Salman Butt, Mohamed Asif & Mohamed Amir) were handed their sentences. Although many felt the jail time was a step in the right direction I am still disappointed with the extent of the punishment (Butt- 30 months; Asif – 12 months & Amir – 6 months). The defence pleaded that the player’s careers are over and they were virtually unemployable and that should be considered as punishment enough. Personally I would have liked to see much harsher terms delivered. “Jail time” in the United Kingdom can hardly be compared with the likes of SA and Pakistan. In the UK a prison sentence can almost be compared to a bed & breakfast stay as they are really well catered for. What do you think? Is it a fair sentence? Please comment below.
SA Domestic – 1 Day Cup: To a much happier story, the Cape Cobras were in a destructive mood over the weekend as they scored a record breaking 379 in their fixture against the Lions. Richard Levi blasted 110 of 57 balls (also a new record for the fastest “Ton” off 53 balls). The Lions in answered with a respectful 307 all out.
The Knights proved too strong for the Titans, winning by 9 wickets. The match was marred by a controversial decision which ended the return of AB de Villiers innings of 12 (obstructing the field). By all accounts it seems De Villiers was not in the wrong as he held his line attempting a run and in doing so was adjudged by the umpire to have interfered with the fielder’s attempt to hit the stumps. I am sure the interpretation of this new law is going to be the topic of many a discussion in coming weeks.
SA v Aus – 1st test: On Wednesday Newlands play host to the 1st test against the old foe. There still seems a bit of discussion in the Proteas camp regarding the possibility of playing 2 spinners which I sincerely hope is just a case of keeping the Aussies guessing at what the Proteas team composition may look like. The Proteas’s preparation has not been the best as I have discussed in a previous blog but I am hoping we can hit the ground running from the very 1st ball: as you can little afford playing catch-up against such quality opponents.
From the Crow’s Nest by Paul
Chad le Clos se meesterlike swemvertonings in Fina se kortbad-wêreldreeks moet ‘n groot troosprys vir sy mede-Natallers wees. Hy was die top mansswemmer in drie van die 5 toernooie tot dusver, en is amper verseker van die wêreld-kampioenskap titel met net twee toernooie wat oorbly.
Martin Kaymer’s 9 birdies in the closing 12 holes to win in China: must be the sporting feat of the weekend.
Sport Spot
Ou Maans sit sy glas met ‘n sug neer. “Smaak my dis nie net in rugby waar die Kiwis en McCaws se sondes soos mis voor die son agter die lang wolke verdwyn nie.”
“Hoe dan nou?” wil ek weet.
“Ken jy vir Steve Williams?”
“Die Engelse snoekerspeler? “
Manie sug veelseggend.
“Tiger Woods se joggie. Sy caddie. Of liewer, gewese caddie. Het glo tydens seremonie rasisties verwys na Tiger se annale kanale, en hoe hy graag sy toekenning daarin wou opdruk.”
“Sjoe! Ek onthou toe Fuzzy Zeller destyds grappenderwys na braaihoender as hoofmaal by Augusta verwys het toe Tiger daar gewen het, is hy byna gekielhaal. Williams gaan seker voor ‘n vuurpeleton beland?”
“Hy is los. Of liewer, hy is vas. Sy huidige werkgewer, Adam Scott, weier om hom af te dank, en die PGA het sover gegaan om hom te condemn, maar niks anders te doen nie.”
Ou Maans sug weer: “Williams is van Nieu-Zeeland en Scott is ‘n Aussie. Wat dink jy sou gebeur het as Williams ‘n Suid-Afrikaner was?”
Ek knik en trek my glas nader.”Ja swaer. Hy sou waarskynlik so swart gesmeer word dat nie eens Omo hom sou skoon kry nie.”
Lekker werk, ou Grote.