My friend John Bustin in Durban wrote as follows:
Hi Paul
I thought my ‘morning after’ thoughts may, like Quasimodo, ring a bell with you.
Dickens penned the novel “The Tale of Two Cities” and began with;
- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Plumtree scripted a series named “The Tale of Two Halves” and just like Dickens it had this theme throughout;
- It was the best of times [40 minutes], it was the worst of times [40 minutes]
The difference is that Dickens delivered his version just once—Plumtree delivers the same theme for nearly every script he produces.
True John, although it appears to apply to most SA sides, including the Springboks. Given the fact that you are a true blue (or should that be black?), born and bred Sharks fan, we will give your team first place in these rankings.
The Final Table

Before we depart the scene, allow me to congratulate the three SA sides for making up half of the final squad. A special word of commendation to the Stormers who finished on top of the pile despite injuries at critical stages to key players. Yes, all teams suffered in this department, but to be able to excel in the way the Stormers did, takes a special team, including the coaching staff. Rassie’s sudden departure half way through the competition could almost be seen as an injury in this vital department of the team, yet they soldiered on regardless.
My ou vriend Manie glo dat die Stormers soveel selfvertroue gehad het, dat hulle al die afgelope sestien wedstryde oefen vir die eindstryde waar mens nie vier drieë hoef te druk nie.
There is no truth in the rumour that Bjorn Basson will face a disciplinary hearing for scoring the fourth try on Saturday, thereby ensuring that the Bulls will have to face the Crusaders in Christchurch this weekend, rather than the very lucky Reds in Brisbane.
Rumours that the Sharks offered Basson a lucrative contract in exchange for scoring that try appear to be totally unfounded, too.
On Thursday we discuss the coming weekend’s games.
Ek wil by voorbaat graag my vrou bedank vir haar begrip vir die naweek wat voorlê. Met die Britse Ope golftoernooi en die krieketreeks teen Engeland wat Donderdag begin, sal daar nie baie tyd vir haar beskikbaar wees op die TV nie. Sy geniet dit nogal om met die hond te gaan stap en wou nog altyd graag die gras sny, die motors was en meer tyd by die kinders deurbring.
Ek is so bly ek kon dit in my hart vind om haar die geleentheid hiervoor te bied.
Hawkeye Competition
Ons wenner is Gerrie Lombard van Oos-Londen. Baie geluk, Gerrie.
Moet sê, ek was baie in die versoeking om ook vir Ben Krige weer iets te stuur vir sy bydrae:
Die een persoon is definitief Schalk Burger. Die ander person raai ek is Bobby Londt. Dit kan nie Paul Kruger wees nie, want Paul is definitief jonger as daardie persoon op die foto!
Flattery will get you (nearly) everywhere, Ben.
Hierdie week verskyn Shelley, Bobby se regterhand, in die foto saam met ‘n sportlegende. Daar is nie ‘n prys as jy kan raai wie Shelley is nie, maar wel die ander persoon, van die manlike oortuiging.
Jy kan die antwoord vir Shelley per e-pos stuur, nie later nie as Woensdag, asseblief.
En nee, Manie, jy kan haar nie faks nie.
Paul Kruger